lundi 20 octobre 2014

Cai Guo-Qinag

J'étais choqué par l'idée que ces êtes aient toutes été un jour vivantes et finissent maintenant leurs jours empaillés, servant docilement l'art. Mais non, ça va.

 Head on (2006) de Cai Guo-Qiang

Voici un extrait tiré du site internet de ArtMag.  (ça m'évitera de paraphraser)

For his dramatic installation, the artist, who lives in New York, had 99 life-sized stuffed wolves barrel into a glass wall. They push on relentlessly, crashing with full force against the transparent barrier. While Cai's work, which was conceived for the Deutsche Bank Collection, was inspired by Berlin and its history, its message is generally valid. "I wanted to portray the universal human tragedy,“ says Cai, “resulting from this blind urge to press forward, the way we try to attain our goals without compromise,"

Ce qui m'a amené à découvrir une autre de ses oeuvres... cet article super intéressant sur les artistes chinois contemporains.

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